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University of Helsinki Professor Meri, Seppo Kalevi



Professor Meri, Seppo Kalevi MD, PhD

Head of the Haartman Institute, 
Professor of Immunology, Dept of Bacteriology and Immunology, 
University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital

Education and training: 

1984 M.D. and Licentiate in Medicine, Univ of Helsinki 

1987 Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD), University of Helsinki 

1989 Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, University of London 

1991 Docent in Immunology, University of Helsinki 

1996 Specialist in Clinical Microbiology 

Current research:

Etiopathogenesis of localized provoked vulvodynia

Complement system and candidate genes in pre-eclampsia

Lymphopenia-induced proliferation and Aire

地址:安徽省合肥市黄山路443号 图书馆VIP中区医学中心大楼5层
