熊伟 博士
2006-2011 美国国立卫生研究院 博士后
2011-2013 美国国立卫生研究院 Research Fellow
2013-至今 微尺度物质科学国家实验室PI
2014-至今 中科院“脑科学与智能技术”卓越创新中心骨干成员
2014-至今 科技部创新人才推进计划“重点领域创新团队”核心成员
2016-至今 神经退行性疾病研究中心副主任
主攻感知觉的中枢神经环路和调控机制、脑衰老与神经退行性疾病的机制;离子通道调控;新型质谱技术研发及其在神经科学中的应用。在Cell、Nature Neuroscience、Nature Chemical Biology、PNAS、Journal of Experimental Medicine等国际期刊发表多篇第一及通讯作者论文。发表论文(Cell,2018)入选2018年度“中国生命科学十大进展”。主持过多项国家级科研项目,包括:科技部国家高技术研究发展(863)计划青年科学家专题、基金委重大研究计划重点项目、基金委面上项目、科技部“十三五”重点研发计划(课题组长)、中科院B类先导科技专项(课题组长)、中科院创新交叉团队项目等。曾获美国国立卫生研究院 “Fellows Award for Research Excellence”奖、中科院优秀导师奖、中科大杰出研究校长奖、唐立新优秀学者奖等,2018年入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”。
1. Wang Xiaoqun ; Hou Yiwen; Hou Zhuanghao; Xiong Wei*; Huang Guangming*. Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Brain Cholesterol and Metabolites with Trifluoroacetic Acid-Enhanced Desorption Electrospray Ionization, Analytical Chemistry, 91(4): 2719~2726 (2019)
2. Chengyuan Liu, Keke Qi, Lei Yao, Ying Xiong, Xuan Zhang , Jianye Zang, Changlin Tian, Minggao Xu, Jiuzhong Yang , Zhenkun Lin , Yongmei Lv, Wei Xiong*, Yang Pan*. Imaging of Polar and Nonpolar Species Using Compact Desorption Electrospray Ionization/Postphotoionization Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 91(10): 6616-6623 (2019)
3. Hongying Zhu#; Ning Wang#; Lei Yao; Qi Chen; Ran Zhang; Junchao Qian; Yiwen Hou; Weiwei Guo; Sijia Fan; Siling Liu; Qiaoyun Zhao; Feng Du; Xin Zuo; Yujun Guo; Yan Xu; Jiali Li; Tian Xue; Kai Zhong; Xiaoyuan Song; Guangming Huang*;Wei Xiong*. Moderate UV exposure enhances learning and memory by promoting a novel glutamate biosynthetic pathway in the brain.Cell,173, 1716–1727 (2018)
4. Jieping Lu#; Sijia Fan#; Guichang Zou; Yiwen Hou; Tao Pan; Weiwei Guo; Lei Yao; Feng Du; GE Homanics; Dan Liu; Li Zhang;Wei Xiong*. Involvement of glycine receptor α1 subunits in cannabinoid-induced analgesia. Neuropharmacology, 133: 224~232 (2018)
5. Hongying Zhu#, Guichang Zou#, Ning Wang#, Meihui Zhuang,Wei Xiong* & Guangming Huang*. Single-neuron identification of chemical constituents, physiological changes, and metabolism using mass spectrometry. PNAS, 114: 2586~2591 (2017)
6. Wei Xiong, Shao-Rui Chen, Liming He, Kejun Cheng, Yi-LinZhao, Hong Chen, De-Pei Li, Gregg E. Homanics, John Peever, Kenner C. Rice,Ling-gang Wu, Hui-Lin Pan & Li Zhang. Presynaptic glycine receptors as apotential therapeutic target for hyperekplexia disease. Nature Neuroscience,17: 232-239 (2014). Highlight: Kingwell, K.Neurological disorders: Presynapticglycine receptors become a startling target.Nature reviews Drug discovery,doi: 10.1038/nrd4265 (2014).
7. Zhifeng Zhou, Camilla Karlsson, Tiebing Liang, WeiXiong, Mitsuru Kimura, Jenica D. Tapocik, Qiaoping Yuan, Estelle Barbier,Austin Feng, Meghan Flanigan, Eric Augier, Mary-Anne Enoch, Colin A.Hodgkinson, Pei-Hong Shen, David M. Lovinger, Howard J. Edenberg, MarkusHeilig, and David Goldman. Loss of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 escalatesalcohol consumption. Proceedings of the National Academy of theSciences of the United States of America, 110(42):16963-8 (2013)
8. Wei Xiong, Tanxing Cui, Kejun Cheng, Fei Yang, Shao-RuiChen, Dan Willenbring, Yun Guan, Hui-Lin Pan, Ke Ren, Yan Xu and Li Zhang.Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycinereceptors. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 209 (6): 1121-1134 (2012)
9. Wei Xiong, Xiongwu Wu, David M. Lovinger and Li Zhang. ACommon Molecular Basis for Exogenous and Endogenous Cannabinoid Potentiation ofGlycine Receptors. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (15): 5200-5208 (2012)
10. Wei Xiong, KeJun Chen, Tanxing Cui, Grzegorz Godlewski,Kenner Rice, Yan Xu and Li Zhang. Cannabinoid potentiation of glycine receptorscontributes to cannabis-induced analgesia. Nature Chemical Biology,7:296-303(2011). Also see NEWS AND VIEWS: Receptors: Cannabis medicine without ahigh. MacDonald J Christie & Christopher E Vaughan. Nature Chemical Biology, 7:249-250 (2011). Research Highlight: Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12:306 (2011). Commented and rated as ‘Must Read” by Faculty of 1000 (2011)
11. Wei Xiong*, Bon-Nyeo Koo, Russell Morton and Li Zhang. Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic cannabis derivatives inhibit human 5-HT3A receptors through a receptor desensitization-dependent mechanism. Neuroscience,184: 28-37 (2011)
12. Wei Xiong, Masako Hosoi, Bon-Nyeo Koo, and Li Zhang.Anandamide Inhibition of 5-HT3A Receptors Varies with Receptor Density andDesensitization. Molecular Pharmacology, 73:314-322 (2008)
在神经细胞代谢研究领域取得系列重要进展,通过自主研发的单细胞质谱技术(PNAS, 2017),在大脑内发现兴奋型神经递质谷氨酸的生物化学合成新途径,并解析了日光照射改善大脑学习记忆功能的分子及神经环路机制。该研究通过多学科交叉融合,将创新方法运用到解决重大基础前沿科学问题上。研究成果于2018年5月发表在《细胞》杂志上。《细胞》杂志同期撰文评述;被Science Signaling 选为Editor's Choice;被F1000评论;同时被美国《科学家》、美国《新闻周刊》、美国科学促进会官方媒体EurekAlert等报道。该工作获得2018年度“中国生命科学十大进展”。
Hongying Zhu#; Ning Wang#; Lei Yao; Qi Chen; Ran Zhang; Junchao Qian; Yiwen Hou; Weiwei Guo; Sijia Fan; Siling Liu; Qiaoyun Zhao; Feng Du; Xin Zuo; Yujun Guo; Yan Xu; Jiali Li; Tian Xue; Kai Zhong; Xiaoyuan Song; Guangming Huang*;Wei Xiong*. Moderate UV exposure enhances learning and memory by promoting a novel glutamate biosynthetic pathway in the brain.Cell,173, 1716–1727 (2018)
发现大麻素镇痛的主要靶点及其分子机理,并通过化学改造四氢大麻酚去除其影响精神的副作用,同时保留了镇痛作用——新型药物5-desoxy-THC (5-DT)
Wei Xiong, KeJun Chen, Tanxing Cui, Grzegorz Godlewski, KennerRice, Yan Xu and Li Zhang. Cannabinoid potentiation ofglycine receptors contributes to cannabis-induced analgesia. Nature Chemical Biology,7: 296-303(2011)