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University of Pennsylvania Prof. Hank F. Kung (孔繁渊教授)


Prof. Hank F. Kung (孔繁渊教授)

lDepartments of Radiology  and Pharmacology University of Pennsylvania

lBeijing Institute for BrainDiseases  Beijing CapitalMedical University

Research areas:

1.Discovery and development of new neuroimaging agents ofPET/SPECT: neurodegenerative diseases, cerebral amyloid angiopathy(CAA), epilepsy, depressive disorders, autismdisorder andschizophrenia.2.Development of new tumor imagingagents: glutaminemetabolism in cancer patients andaromatase activity in different regions of thebrain and tumor tissues.

²The originalinventor of importantPET/SPECT imaging agents in clinical use:

Øβ-amyloidplaquesPET imagingagentsinthe brain for assisting the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)[18F]AV-45 (florbetapir,Amyvid:FDA first approved in2012 ) and [18F]AV1 (florbetabenNeurqceq: approved by the FDA in 2014). 

ØVMAT2imagingagent - [18F]AV133for PD(phase III in US)

ØC-11and F-18 Glutamine metabolism imaging agent forTumor (phase I-II in US)

ØDATimaging agent - 99mTc-Trodat-1forSPECT imaging in Parkinson disease

ØD2/D3imaging agent *I-IBZM and5HTTimaging agent *I-ADAM et al.²received more than 40 patents

²Receive dawards:

Ø2014 David and Jane ChuLectureship, University of Buffalo 

Ø2013 Kuhl-LassenAwardfor Research in Brain Imaging, Society of Nuclear Medicine(SNMMI)

Ø2012 Distinguished Investigator,Academy of Radiology Research 

Ø2004 PaulC. AebersoldAward for outstanding achievement in basic science applied to nuclear medicine,Society of Nuclear Medicine

Ø1997 Springer Award for the BestPaper in Basic Science, European Society of Nuclear Medicine

Ø1988 Jacob JavitsAward for Neuroscience, NIH


lScience,2013, 342:429-30; 

lBioconjugChem.2016, 27:1314;

lJ.Med. Chem. 2016;59:9370-80;

lJ.Nucl. Med. 2017;58:533-7;

lCancer Res. 2017;77:1476-84.

地址:安徽省合肥市黄山路443号 图书馆VIP中区医学中心大楼5层
